There are several ways to purchase RON and other tokens on Ronin. Users can either purchase them through a Decentralized Exchange, Centralized Exchanges & On-ramp solutions.
In order to purchase RON on our official Ronin decentralized exchange Katana, you may swap your ERC20 tokens to RON. Check the How to swap tokens to RON in Katana guide below to learn more.
A wide range of tokens are available to swap to RON including USDC, BANANA, PIXEL, SLP, AXS, etc.
RON is also available for purchase directly from the Ronin wallet via Ramp or Onmeta and for trading on multiple exchanges such as Binance,, Bitget, MEXC Global, CoinEx, BitUBU, OKX.
To check the current markets where RON is listed, you can visit popular cryptocurrency market data websites such as CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap.
Swap tokens to RON in Katana
To swap tokens to RON, you should first acquire funds on Ronin either from withdrawing from CEXes into Ronin, or deposit via Ronin Bridge. See the How to Deposit to Ronin to learn more.
One of the easiest ways to acquire RON on the Ronin Network is by exchanging other tokens for RON via Katana. Here's how to do so:
NOTE: Every account gets 5 daily free swaps to RON
so there's always an allowance if you ever run out of RON for transaction fees.
Step 1: Unlock and Connect your Ronin wallet. Ensure that your Ronin wallet is already unlocked before clicking "Connect Ronin Wallet".
You will need to agree to the Terms of Service.
Step 2: Select RON as the token to be exchanged for.
Step 3: Choose the token you wish to swap for RON.
In the example, let's use SLP tokens to swap to RON.
Step 4: Enter the amount of either: (a) the tokens you want to swap or (b) the amount of desired RON.
Note: The first time you initiate a token swap, you'll be asked to authorize the usage of the tokens in your wallet that you plan to exchange. This authorization is simply to allow Katana to use the specified tokens for the swap, and the swap itself won't be executed at this stage.
This process for Token Approval is often confused with the swap itself. In order to check, we recommend you view your wallet transactions on the Block Explorer. You should see a transaction like this.
Step 5: Click "Swap".
Step 6: After clicking on Swap, you'll be prompted to verify the transaction. This step displays information such as the current price and other relevant information.
However, keep in mind that due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrency prices, the price may change if you take too long to confirm the amount to swap. In such cases, you'll need to click "Confirm" for the updated price before proceeding to click "Confirm Swap".
Step 7: You will need to confirm the transaction in your Ronin wallet.
You may click on Apply beside the FREE GAS VOUCHERS label to use the daily swap to RON free tx.
Step 8: Once confirmed, a popup will appear notifying you that the transaction has been submitted; your RON tokens will appear within your Ronin wallet shortly.
Users can purchase RON tokens through Ramp or Onmeta, right here on the Ronin network.
Ramp and Onmeta are third-party entities that have integrated with the Ronin network to allow users to purchase tokens through fiat means (credit card or e-wallets). Here's how to access Ramp/Onmeta through Ronin:
Step 1. Unlock your Ronin wallet.
Step 2. Click "Deposit".
Step 3. Select On-Ramp and click on "Continue selecting assets".
Step 4. You'll be given the option to purchase various tokens. Select the currency them you'll be presented with either Ramp or Onmeta as the provider depending on your selections. Insert the amount and click Next. The last step is to click on Buy Now with Ramp/Onmeta to proceed with purchasing the token.
Note: Token purchase via Ramp/Onmeta is currently only available in some countries.
Third-Party Exchange
Users can purchase RON on a number of third-party exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, OKX,, and MEXC Global. Once purchased, you can transfer your RON to your Ronin wallet to deposit the RON tokens [make sure to use the Ronin network].