->> https://ronin.axiedao.org/balances/ <<-
The Axie DAO Token Balances Tool allows users to check the historical balance of tokens held and staked by a Ronin address at a specific block number. This feature is particularly useful when verifying whether you received tokens, suspect that some tokens are missing after transactions, have unclaimed staking rewards, or simply want to determine your balance at a specific point in time on the blockchain.
How to Use the Token Balances Tool
Step 1: Access the Token Balances Tool
Open the Token Balances Tool page. You will see a form prompting you to enter a Ronin Address and a Block Number.
Step 2: Enter Your Ronin Address
In the Ronin Address field, input the Ronin address or RNS you want to check.
Step 3: Specify a Block Number
The block number in the chain serves as the snapshot moment to which your balance is determined by the Token Balances Tool.
If you need to check current wallet balance: By default, the tool will fetch your wallet's latest balance. No need to input a block number if you wish to see the current token balances.
- If you need to check a historical balance: Enter a specific block number from a transaction or use the calendar icon to help find block numbers from past dates.
Step 4: Retrieve the Token Balance
Click the refresh button -- the tool will display the balance of tokens held and staked by the specified wallet at the given block number.
Balances for different token types in your wallet are included:
- Ronin's native token: RON
- ERC20 tokens such as AXS, SLP, USDC, etc.
- ERC721 tokens including Axies, Lands, Ronin Name Service, etc.
- Staked tokens and unclaimed rewards for Katana LP, AXS, & RON staking
Example Scenarios
There are many possible scenarios we can tackle here but it would be too long to list them all. Instead, we'll show a couple examples below to help you get a feel of how it works.
Case 1: You Swapped AXS Tokens to RON in Katana Yesterday, and Now Want to Check if Your Wallet's Balance Was Updated Properly
You were expecting 10 RON after swapping some of your AXS tokens in Katana, but you are unsure if you received them as you have not checked your balance prior to that.
Get the Block Number of the Swap Transaction
Go to your Ronin wallet's Activity tab then look for the AXS to RON swap transaction; open that then click on View on Explorer.
In the transaction details in the Ronin explorer, look for the Block. Copy that number.
Get your Wallet's Balance During that Block
Go to the Token Balances Tool page.
Enter your Ronin Address and the Block number you copied earlier.
Click Refresh to view your RON and AXS balance at that specific time. Take note or save a screenshot of the results.
The balances shown here are your wallet's balances right after the block was finalized from which your swap happened.
Get your Wallet's Balance Before the Swap
In the Block number text box in the Balance checker tool, subtract 1 (i.e., if the block number you copied in step 1 is 99999, we'll now use 99998).
Refresh and compare results from the one you got on step 2.
In this method, we are assuming that no other transfers or transactions affected your balance in the block from which the swap happened.
Upon checking, you found out that you actually had 10 more RON in your wallet right after the swap. It means that the transaction was successful after all~
Case 2: You Sweep-Purchased Floor Axies and Materials in App.Axie for a Week with WETH, and Lost Track of How Much You've Spent
You were sweeping floor axies with WETH tokens to release them and get materials for Axie evolution. You wanted to check your total spending as well as your starting balance before you went on this purchase spree.
Get the Block Number of the First Axie Purchase
Go to your Ronin wallet's Activity tab then look for the first Axie sweep purchase you did that week; open that then click on View on Explorer.
Alternatively, if you can't find it in your activity tab, you can go straight to the Ronin explorer to have a better view of all your transactions. Look for it and click the tx hash to open the details page.
Once you've determined and opened the correct transaction, look for the Block in the details. Copy that number.
Get your Wallet's Balance Before The First Sweep Purchase
Go to the Token Balances Tool page.
Enter your Ronin Address.
Subtract 1 from the Block Number you copied and enter it on the text box.
Click Refresh to view your WETH balance before the first purchase. Take note or save a screenshot of the results.
Get your Wallet's Current Balance
You may either simply check your balance in your wallet or in the Ronin explorer but for the purpose of this example, let's use the Balance checker tool.
In the Balance Checker page now, simply remove the block number or type "latest" in the text box to get your current balance.
Refresh and compare results from the one you got on step 2.
After a quick math, you've found out that you've already spent exactly 1.5 WETH in your 1 week purchases; and that your initial balance was 5 ETH. Thanks Token Balances Checker XD
Why This Is Important
This tool is especially important for active Ronin wallet users, as it allows them to:
- Efficiently verify their token balances at any given point in time.
- Confirm whether transactions were successfully completed and the new token balances reflect to their accounts.
- Take proactive steps to review their own balance history and identify any discrepancies before escalating issues to the necessary teams.
Additionally, the ability to check historical balances is useful for general financial tracking, whether for personal record-keeping or reconciling past transactions. By following the steps outlined above, users can confidently manage their tokens and maintain an accurate understanding of their asset history.
If by any chance you found discrepancies in your account after checking with the tool, please Submit a Ticket Request and we'll get back to you.