As more collections are added in the Mavis Market, the verification system works as an added protection to help the community easily identify collections that are from verified creators.
These verified creators and collections are marked with a Verified badge, which denotes that the creator or the collection has been verified as authentic by Sky Mavis.
Verified Creators
Verified creators can be identified by looking for a Verified badge next to their name. This means that the creator has been verified as authentic by Sky Mavis.
Verified creators currently include Sky Mavis, official partners, as well as Ronin Forge studios. Creators from the community may also be manually verified by Sky Mavis once they pass certain criteria.
Badged Collections
Badged collections can be identified by looking for a Verified badge next to the collection's name. This means that the collection is either from a verified creator, or is a collection that has garnered significant interest from the community.
All collections from Sky Mavis, official partners, and Ronin Forge studios automatically become badged collections. A collection from a verified creator can also become a badged collection if it gains significant interest from the community.
Unbadged Collections
When trying to purchase from an unbadged collection, you will be presented with a cautionary message asking you to only proceed if you have done your research and are sure that you have verified their authenticity.
While unbadged collections aren't inherently bad, it is important to exercise caution, especially when dealing with new/unknown creators. Always do thorough research before making a purchase and make sure that the creator has a strong, provable online presence.
How to Apply for Verification
It is currently not possible to manually apply for a creator/collection badge. The verification is currently done manually by Sky Mavis for creators and collections that gain a significant interest in the community.