Swapping Overview
Users can swap (trade) between pairs of ERC-20 tokens in Katana. Currently, only tokens integrated in the Ronin ecosystem are available in Katana.
NOTE: You get 5 daily free transactions for swapping to RON or approval of tokens for use in Katana, so you can swap your tokens to RON for free on Katana if you ever run out of RON.
Token Tags
Tokens in Katana are classified into two, Main Tags and Seed Tags.
Main Tags are more established tokens with less volatility and bigger liquidity pools. This includes tokens like WETH, AXS, and RON.
Seed Tags are tokens that have higher volatility, lower liquidity, and/or are more experimental in nature. This usually includes newly launched tokens, such as Apeiron's ANIMA token. Seed Tag tokens are identified by the seed icon by their names.
When swapping with Seed Tag tokens, you'll first need to confirm that you understand the volatility and risks that comes with these type of tokens.
NOTE: All tokens can still experience volatility regardless of their tags.
Swap via Katana Website
Step 1: Visit Katana Swap, then unlock and connect your Ronin wallet.
Step 2: Select the token you want to swap and the token you wish to receive. In this example, we are going to swap SLP to RON. Enter your desired token amount and click Swap.
Step 2.1: When you attempt to swap a token for the first time, you will receive a prompt to authorize the use of the token in your wallet. This authorization is not equivalent to executing the swap; rather, it enables Katana to utilize the tokens you intend to swap. In the example below: you should click on Approve SLP to proceed.
This process is often confused with the swap itself. In order to check, we recommend you check your wallet transaction using the Block Explorer. You should see a transaction like this.
Step 2.2: Click Swap again if you were asked to Approve first.
Step 3: You will see the current price and other information about the swap. Click on Confirm Swap to finalize the transaction, then confirm the transaction with your wallet.
Step 4: A popup indicating that your transaction was submitted will appear. Click "Close" or "View on Explorer" to see the details of your swap.
Step 5: The swapped tokens will now be visible in your wallet.
Swap via Ronin Wallet dApps
Available on both extension and mobile, you can easily swap your tokens within your Ronin wallet where a 0.5% convenience fee is applied for each transaction.
Extension Wallet
Step 1: Head over to your Ronin extension wallet and click on the Swap button.
Step 2: Pick a token to swap and a token to receive.
For first time swaps, the wallet will ask you to approve the contract for the specific token to be swapped first. Proceed with approval then go back to the Swap page.
Step 3: Click on Swap. A similar image as below should show.
Step 4: Click on Confirm Swap to finalize the transaction with your Ronin wallet.
Mobile Wallet
Step 1: Unlock your Ronin mobile wallet and click the Swap button.
Step 2: You'll be redirected to the Swap page.
Step 3: Select tokens for the swap and click Swap.
Step 4: Review the details of the swap then your click on Confirm Swap to start finalizing the transaction.
Step 5: Sign the transaction with your Ronin wallet.
Step 6: Wait for the transaction to be finalized, you'll receive a confirmation message once it's done. Click on View on explorer to see the blockchain details of the transaction.
Step 7: The swapped tokens should now be in your wallet.