How To?
For a tutorial on how to stake your AXS or claim staking rewards, check out the links below.
Do Not Enter Your Secret Recovery Phrase
The AXS staking dashboard does not require your secret recovery phrase. If a website requests your secret recovery phrase, it is a fraudulent site and not the genuine one. Axie Infinity will never ask for your seed phrase under any circumstances.
AXS Staking Guide
The AXS Staking Guide is a detailed write up of AXS staking.
Staking FAQ
How often can I stake and unstake my AXS?
You can stake and unstake AXS as often as you would like.
How often can I claim staking rewards?
Rewards can be claimed every 24 hours.
How is my APR calculated?
APR is calculated using this format: Daily Rewards * 365 / Total Staked
Note: Daily rewards and total staked can be found on the staking dashboard.
What is the staking dashboard URL?
Is there a minimum AXS that needs to be staked?
There is no staking minimum.