All new Ronin wallets are allotted 20 free transactions. To activate your free transactions, complete the account setup process on app.axie by linking your email address to your account.
Note: Keyless wallets (MPC) have already the email link for them they get the 20 free transactions right away.
More info about initial free transactions: Ronin Wallet - One Time Free Transactions.
More info on how to get monthly free transactions: How Monthly Free Transactions Are Calculated.
If you have depleted your free transactions or simply forgotten to top up on RON tokens, you’ll need to acquire RON to continue making transactions on the Ronin network.
Swap Tokens to RON using Katana
You get 5 daily free transactions for swapping to RON or approval of tokens for use in Katana, Ronin’s decentralized exchange.
This means that as long as you have other tokens on Ronin, such as WETH, AXS, SLP, or USDC, you will be able to swap them to RON using Katana for free without needing to pay any gas fees. You may check our guide for swapping tokens in Katana for more information.
Users can purchase RON tokens through Ramp or Onmeta, right here on the Ronin network.
Ramp and Onmeta are third-party entities that have integrated with the Ronin network to allow users to purchase tokens through fiat means (credit card or e-wallets). Here's how to access Ramp/Onmeta through Ronin:
Step 1. Unlock your Ronin wallet.
Step 2. Click "Deposit".
Step 3. Select On-Ramp and click on "Continue selecting assets".
Step 4. You'll be given the option to purchase various tokens. Select the currency them you'll be presented with either Ramp or Onmeta as the provider depending on your selections. Insert the amount and click Next. The last step is to click on Buy Now with Ramp/Onmeta to proceed with purchasing the token.
Note: Token purchase via Ramp/Onmeta is currently only available in some countries.
Third-Party Exchange
Users can purchase RON on a number of third-party exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, OKX,, and MEXC Global. Once purchased, you can transfer your RON to your Ronin wallet to deposit the RON tokens [make sure to use the Ronin network].